A Cause Worth Supporting

Our team at Continuum* was again proud to sponsor a table at the Alzheimer Society of BC’s “Breakfast to Remember, Victoria” this year.  The event was presented by one of our valued clients, Trillium Boutique Senior Living.

Why does this matter?    To summarize some information from the Society’s web page:

“Alzheimer's disease is irreversible and destroys brain cells, causing thinking ability and memory to deteriorate. Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging.   It’s also is a fatal disease that eventually affects all aspects of a person’s life: how they think, feel, and act. Each person is affected differently. It is difficult to predict symptoms, the order in which they will appear, or the speed of their progression.  There are several medications that can help with symptoms such as memory decline, changes in language, thinking abilities and motor skills.  Although there is still no cure for Alzheimer's disease, those who respond to these treatments can experience improvements in their quality of life for several years.”

Our aging population matters.  Our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles – they all matter.   We may all have been touched in one way or another by this disease.  Several of our team certainly have.  It can be a daunting challenge.  The Alzheimer Society of BC helps by connecting anyone – people suffering with this disease and other forms of dementia, members of their family, and caregivers alike – with the support, education and tools needed along every step of the way.

We encourage everyone to visit their website, learn a little more about what the Society does, and please, if you can, make a donation to help support this cause.

The photo shows Continuum team members at Breakfast to Remember, Victoria 2020 listening to Dr. Henri-Bhargava talks about creating a health system that closes the gap between research and care.

*Our last event under our old KPL James Architecture name.